Hot town, summer in the city...
Hot days, cool's time for the beach!
Beaches are all about families. Think back to your early memories of the beach with your family.
What's a favorite pasttime of many beachgoers? Surfing, of course! Catch a wave!!!
Part of what makes the beach so interesting is the variety of sea life that washes up on the shore. Here is a sand
Another unique find is the seafan, a treasure from way down below in the waters.
He might look mean, but he's an old softie! (On the inside--on the outside, he's a hearty crustacean!) Watch
for hermit crabs, and if you really like them, take one home!
During low tide, waves roll gently onto the shore, bringing treasures like the ones seen above...
Hiking through the sand to the faraway water is always such an adventure...
Seagulls or sandcastles? Which are in more abudance at the beach? You decide--but whatever you do, hide your
Don't feel like looking like the lobster you will have for dinner later in the day? Unwind by the shore underneath
this colorful umbrella...
Seashells are the best part of digging through the sand! Look at all the pretty colors and shapes seashells come
Click on this picture to find the treasures that lie underneath the clear turquoise water.