Whats better than a scoop of ice cream on a hot, sizzling day? A triple-decker, three scoop cone of fruity cool!
Celebrate America's freedom on her 226th birthday, July 4, 2002.
A grandson's delight--fishin' with grandpa is a memorable way of spending a Saturday or Sunday afternoon...
The summer is also time to enjoy another water sport--boating and water-skiing! Feeling adventurous? This
guy sure is!
If you're feeling primitive, take a long hike, or go backpacking in the mountains! What a rush and thrill!
A fun afternoon of family frolic, complete with a picnic basket, helps parents and children build fond memories...
Here are just a few of the many ways people enjoy their summer, and the plenty of things to do. Join us for the
second gallery of everyone's favorite summertime destination-- Beaches.